I cannot believe our little babe will be born ANY DAY now. I cannot wait to hold + kiss those cutesy cheeks of hers (see the adorable 3D ultra sound below!). This trimester has been a whirlwind. I worked until 38 weeks and I am ABSOLUTELY EXHAUSTED. Everyone says sleep before the baby but up until the past two days, I was feeling depleted, drained and not ready for motherhood. Luckily since going on maternity leave, I have 100% gotten my energy + sleep + mojo back and it feels good. Now I’m just waiting on the little babe to make her arrival.
Like each and every other trimester, I compiled a list of healthy products + go to’s that I’ve used + loved. Make sure to comment below if you have anything to add to the list!
Rainbow Light Third Trimester Prenatals: I decided I wanted a different prenatal this trimester and this one was a game changer. It has pre + probiotics in it as well, eliminating the need for an additional pill in my morning routine. It targets the third trimesters needs such as promoting the baby’s healthy brain with absorbable folate and addressing a mother’s digestive “discomforts” if ya know what I mean. It was a game changer and I’ll definitely be using this brand the next time I am pregnant.
Books: I did a whole blog post on the books I’ve read throughout pregnancy that you can find here. But one in particular that I liked was Meditations for the Expectant Mother, it is a somewhat religious book, but it really resonated with me and I enjoyed it. I of course have been reading it everyone morning in conjunction with my Renegade Mama Affirmation cards. I liked the breakdown of this book because it is broken into days so you really only have about 2-3 pages of reading in the morning.
Support band: Since my belly is SOOOOO Big, so much so that I’ve been asked on two separate occasions now if I was having twins, I decided to purchase a support band. I wear it infrequently but it definitely helps when I do wear it. The one I purchased was only $11 and I felt like it did an adequate job!
Exercise Ball: I wasn’t quite sure what to do with this at first but every pregnant woman I know has one – so I ordered one. HA! But seriously, its great, to help strengthen your pelvic wall muscles. I used this exercise video to help me get started.
Raspberry Tea: I was actually quite skeptical of this one. Does this tea actually help strengthen your uterus muscles for labor? Apparently mothers SWEAR BY IT! So as directed, once the third trimester hit, I started drinking 1-2 glasses per day. Fingers crossed this one works!
Dates: Usually I love dates but of course during pregnancy, I don’t really love the taste. UGH! Per momtricks.com, a study showed that dates actually help during labor and pregnancy. Specifically the cervical dilation of the date eaters upon admission to the hospital was higher, spontaneous labor was more frequent (less chance of being induced – YAY), lower chance of needing hormones to induce labor and the first stage of labor was shorter. So WHY NOT give it a shot. Here is my favorite date recipe by Ellie Krieger. When I’m lazy I just grab some date cookies at Trader Joe’s.
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