Is anyone up for a little autumn cleaning and clearing?
In the past, I have blogged about the importance of taking care of the space you live in. Today’s post is going to expand on that and discuss living a minimalist lifestyle. Johanna Roque has been a minimalist for most of her life but official 3 years and provided a really great explanation on how to live a minimalism lifestyle. Even if you aren’t looking to make the switch completely, she has provided some really awesome tips to get started. Grab a booch and read on!
What is Minimalism?
Alot of people assume living a minimalism lifestyle means being restrictive and only allowing a certain number of things into your life. But instead, Johanna describes it quite differently, “Minimalism is about freedom and living a life that has meaning and value to it. It’s the art of simplicity that is attached to it.”
Minimalism should shift your focus to experiences and not possessions. Therefore, you can have possessions and buy what makes you happy, as long as it brings value to your life. Having “stuff” shouldn’t define you and it shouldn’t be the only thing that makes you happy.
Johanna’s Story
“For me, I have always been in many ways a minimalist but never knew there was a “label” to refer myself to and I wasn’t that into it back then as I am now. One day, I was at the book store looking for a planner and came across the book ‘Minimalism’ Live a meaningful life by Millburn and Nicodemus. I read the first few pages and could not put it down, It was life changing in many ways.
I really started to self reflect and look at not just things differently but life differently. The biggest factor into changing completely to a minimalist lifestyle was when I saw the documentary “Minimalism” on Netflix by Millburn and Nicodemus, it was something my boyfriend and sat down and watched together and that was the moment where I said today is the day we make a change in how we live. It’s amazing how an hour and seventeen minute film can change your life, can open your eyes to the way you see life.
I remember after the documentary ended, my boyfriend and I started going through each room and really started to declutter everything, I remember that rush of joy I felt after I saw piles of things that had no value to my life. I was like how can I have this much stuff?! There were even clothing items with tags on them still from years ago. When I really saw how much crap I had, I had my game face on and was ready to just get rid of it all.”
Sell, Donate, Trash & Other Tips
Johanna started with 3 piles, “sell” “donate” and “trash” and picked up one item at a time and asked herself these questions:
- Do I really use this?
- When is the last time I used/wore this?
- Do I have something similar with the same purpose?
- Why am I holding on to this, if I don’t use/wear it?
“For me, this technique worked and it helped determine what I love and brings meaning to my life.”
Other helpful tips include:
- Evaluate how you spend your time, who you spend your time with and what possessions you own. Give yourself a whole day to dissect your home and go through every piece of item you own and make your piles of what is going and what is staying.
- When shopping online or at the mall, which is one of the biggest challenges according to Johanna, ask yourself these questions when you pick up something and automatically put it in your cart or when you hear a celebrity talk about something and tell their viewers to buy it.
- Do you really need it? or do you just like it?
- What use do have for this item?
- Where will it go?
- Do you have a whole outfit planned out for this specific item?
- She also recommends grabbing a kombucha and your favorite snack and watch the film “Minimalism” on Netflix, trust me! (UM who can argue with that?! #BOOCHEVERYDAY)
“Now, don’t get me wrong! Buy it if it brings you joy, there is nothing wrong with spoiling yourself….you work hard, treat yourself! But just be mindful.”
Minimalism helps you in all facets of life.
Ultimately, Minimalism is not just about owning less things and being restricted, it’s about appreciating the things you do own and creating a beautiful life, because you are the one in control to create a simple life filled with happiness.
For Johanna, living this type of lifestyle has allowed her to decrease her anxiety and also helped her relationships, especially with her boyfriend. It has also shifted her mindset.
“I feel light, refreshed and happy. It’s the way I feel about life, myself, the people I am surround myself with and my home. My focus in life isn’t on material items anymore, it’s on love with people and self love with myself.
I also save a lot of money and that alone is awesome. I also like how easy my home has been with cleaning and organizing, less stuff means more time to focus on other things. Why spend a day cleaning and organizing when you can go to park, read a book or go paddle boarding! I have a lot more free time and I love it.”
Are you inspired to go clean out your closet yet? Have questions, find Johanna Roque on social media here.
DEFINITELY in watc the documentary. I have a really bad habit of being impulsive and getting toi much clutter.
I have recently been purging stuff. The older i get, the more I hate clutter. I love thinking about being grateful for what i have and never really thought about it as minimalism. Great post!
I have been so interested in minimalism lately, listening to The MInimalists podcast (which is amazing btw) and watching their documentary (which I loved!). My family isn’t super minimalist but I try to apply the approach as much as possible to my room/life and it’s just so freeing and relaxing!
Beatrice | The Bliss Bean