I’m just going to start off by saying I am LOVING every minute of Motherhood! Breastfeeding has been quite the journey though, from Lizzie’s tongue and lip tie (find that here) to RIDICULOUSLY sore nipples (Mother’s Love has been a nipple saver!). But I have definitely picked up some tips in the last few months so I wanted to share them with all you new mama’s and soon to be mama’s.
1- Lactation consultant: Consult with one, even if you think you know what you are doing, they are EXTREMELY helpful. Also, check with your insurance company as mine covered six visits at no cost.
2- Mother love nipple cream: A LIFE SAVER! I could not stress this anymore. Lizzie had a short latch and a tongue tie and as a result, my nipples were SO DAMAGED. Think scabs and TONS of PAIN! Every time I applied the Mother Love nipple cream, I felt a huge difference.
3- Milkful lactation bars: I haven’t had an issue with my milk supply (and hopefully I won’t!) however lots of mothers who had breastfed highly recommended finding a lactation bar that you love. I found Milkful to be SO TASTY and affordable. If you use the code kombucha, you’ll receive a discount too! #affiliate Or you can find them on amazon!
4- Organic cotton nursing pads: You are definitely going to need to purchase a pack of these to put in your bra. Some days you are just LEAKING milk. Think leaking through your bra, your tshirt, and leaving marks on your couch or bed sheets. #MOMLIFE I liked these because you can wash them, hence they are eco-friendly.
5- App called baby tracker: This app is PERFECT for the newbie momma who is keeping track of wet diapers (yep that’s actually a thing), how long the little babe is breast feeding, and on which breast. It is so helpful and best of all – FREE!
6- Oat mama tea: Another good way to boost your milk supply is with this yummy tea by Oat Mama. Currently I am sipping on Ginger Cherry and Chai tea.
7- La Leche club: These clubs are located all over the United States and basically it is a group of local breastfeeding mama’s who meet (one a month is how regular the one near me meets) up and discuss their tips, experiences, and anything relevant to being a momma. It is great to have a support system but even better to have other women who are going through the exact same thing that you are simultaneously. I attended a local meeting near me and learned SO MUCH from other mommas!
8- Affirmation cards: Sometimes you just need some self love. Check out these positive affirmation cards from Renegade Mama.
9- The Art of Breastfeeding: Don’t know where to start when it comes to breastfeeding? This book is the A to Z of breastfeeding. It covers every topic imaginable!
10-Nursing cover: I happen to think these are GENUIS. My little babe doesn’t love the cover, she swats her tiny fist at it. BUT this poncho is adorable and I am going to give it a shot for when we have family/friends over and I want to cover up.
11-Invest in nursing bras: I happen to LOVE this one by Kindred Bravely. But definitely invest a few, you don’t know how convenient they are until you attempt to wear a regular bra and your struggling to take it off 12 times a day.
Tell me, what else am I missing from this list?!
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