Gianna Fae is a bundle of sunshine, good vibes and a WEALTH of knowledge. I literally could chat with her ALL DAY. She is a holistic nutrition coach, personal trainer, reiki practitioner, former bikini model and a plant based foodie. Talk about well rounded right?
About 16 months ago, she quit her full time job in the entertainment industry and took a leap of faith by following her passion in health and fitness. Her journey is so intriguing and everyone can truly learn from her story (not too mention you will definitely get some MAJOR inspiration after this article.) Grab a booch and check out my interview with the amazing GIANNA FAE.
Q: I am so excited to share your journey. So let’s jump right in, your a New Yorker at heart who moved to the west coast. How did you find yourself changing careers?
Gianna: I was going through a tough time in LA four years ago and Reiki found me when I needed it the most. I was struggling with my health and didn’t understand how the mind, body, and spirit functions as a whole. My body was signaling that there was something wrong through Hypothydroism, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Adrenal Fatigue and distension from food intolerances. This wasn’t because of a lack exercise or a shortage of kale. I was training like an animal (2x a day) and eating more nutritiously than ever before. This was due to a lack of love, connection, balance and deep appreciation for myself. Wellness allowed me to recreate my path, love my true self and live out my life’s purpose. I couldn’t be more grateful.
Q: Can you tell us about your take on SELF LOVE & NUTRITION?
Gianna: I’m a Holistic Nutrition Coach certified through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. A majority of my holistic health clients have a very demanding lifestyle and occupation. Many of them tend to be like me…TYPE A. Determination is an incredible thing to obtain but we have to remember there is a fine line between determination and obsession.
Before we even dive into fitness or nutrition we analyze what you’re feeding yourself OFF THE PLATE. The internal dialogue you share with yourself, the way you partake in self care and the people you surround yourself with. We make small changes in order for you to expand. Goal setting and free writing play an intricate role in the course, allowing you to truly connect with who you are.
Once we become clear on our intentions, it makes it a lot easier for us to visualize the future as if it already happened. This can be anything from a job promotion, relationship or even a body type. As we begin to evolve and shift we then work on integrating more whole foods and the dietary preference your body requires. Personally, I am plant based but each body is unique and has different needs. Who knows what my diet will look like in five years but we need to honor what our body is asking from us NOW.
That can mean more rest, plants, and alone time…for others that can look like movement, more dietary fat and an intimate relationship. From my experience, this is one of the most difficult challenges we face…letting go of control around food and providing our needs instead of our wants.
Q: I love how unique your approach is. Where does Reiki come into play?
Gianna: Once we become consistent with nutrition and self love I start to incorporate the proper training routine for the individual. I never want my client to look at exercise as a chore, but to instead express gratitude that they’re worshiping their body through movement. As we progress and our relationship builds I always ask permission if I can send them long distance Reiki to accelerate any healing and clear blockages. Through Reiki we heal others as we heal ourselves.
Q: What is your personal experience with Reiki?
Gianna: I’ve been practicing Reiki on myself and others for a year and have been receiving Reiki for four years. From my personal experience, when I had my first Reiki session I began sobbing. My master was also a spirit communicator, which really allowed her to dive deep. I remember she placed her hands on my solar plexus (stomach) and felt an incredible amount of warmth. I knew I was in good company and even though I had NO IDEA what Reiki was, I was just so desperate for answers about my health. She began asking me a few questions and all I recall were tears flowing from my eyes uncontrollably as she murmured “it’s okay, release” and I did…a lot for almost two hours. After that session, I was wiped out and took a long nap.
When I woke up, I immediately felt different. I knew that was the start of something new. I finally felt like I could breathe and was able to let go of the limited mindset and beliefs I had about myself. From there, I made Reiki a regular wellness routine and was so transformed by it I had to learn it for myself so I can continue to heal from the inside out and spread the love and light that is within Reiki. During that first year, I found myself in deep communication with my guides. I allowed myself to tune in and trust my intuition. Once I stopped doubting myself, I was able to enhance my own communication with my spirit guides and I’ve been practicing it ever since on myself and clients.
Q: WOW! It really is amazing how our mind, body and soul are so connected. Now I would be remiss if I didn’t discuss your training because you are SO IN SHAPE!
Gianna: Personal training plays a huge role in my daily regime. I train clients five, sometimes six times per week. It’s how I got started in the wellness realm. I love training but I was slammed (which is a great problem) and it didn’t leave me much time to practice Reiki, Holistic Nutrition or even train myself. I decided to downsize my client list and I only train people during certain hours of the day. Setting boundaries is essential and people will respect the line you draw. Let your yes mean yes, and your no mean no. If you are not 110% in it, don’t commit…as it won’t serve either of you.
I wake up between 4-430am everyday to get ready and train my morning clients back to back. I take an hour before my first session to organize, free write, practice Reiki and affirm my day. This allows me to walk in power and direct my life in the direction I want it to go. Although things don’t always go as planned, I know I have control over my life and I decide how to respond to situations.
By the time its 1 p.m. I’ve trained around 5-6 clients and I’m now able to focus my attention on Reiki and my holistic nutrition practice, along with my blog. I do go to bed early, around 8:45 p.m./9 p.m.. Some say that’s not a life of a 27 year old but to be honest there’s nothing else I’d rather do. If it makes me happy, I’m going to keep going. I make sure to take Sunday’s completely off and I always stop when something doesn’t flow or feel right. If a client feels forced or pushed and we have trouble scheduling, I read it as if it’s not our time and that’s OKAY. There will be plenty of opportunities for both of us.
If I’m ever feeling exhausted, burned out, or finding myself dragging to the next session I re-track and take a full weekend off and have a wellness day to myself. Taking trips also helps but sometimes its not a necessity to feel new. Many of us just need to spend more alone time, reconnect and get clear with our intentions.
Q: Not only are you NOT afraid of hard work, you are really following your souls work which is SO INSPIRING. So what do you see yourself doing in 2018?
Gianna: I’ll be collaborating with a few of my favorite brands and hosting fun wellness giveaways to my followers on Instagram. I’ll also be providing a free fitness download for my readers along with my Plant Based Pantry List, and #MillenialGirlsGuide on my website. Also for those who are in Miami, I’ll be hosting wellness workshops and bootcamps…so stay tuned.
Q: SO EXCITING! What is some advice you want to share with the BYOK community?
Gianna: Give your best everyday. Some days you’ll be able to do more and others you may need to take a step back and say no. Never feel obligated to do something that doesn’t flow or feel right. Your body makes many demands and you need to honor those cues in order to become your highest self. Start from loving within. You’re not going to be perfect but you were never called to be. The body believes what the mind hears; use that power in your favor.
Q: Love that advice. Any books you recommend?
Gianna: The Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss
You are a badass by Jen Sincero
You are a badass at making money by Jen Sincero
The Universe has your back by Gabby Bernstein
You are the Universe by Deepak Chopra
Idiots Guide to Ayurveda by Sahara Rose
Healing with Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford
Life Changing Foods by Anthony William
The Things you can see only when you slow down by Haemin Sunim
Q: Last question but obviously most important…favorite kombucha flavor…GO!
Gianna: The new Suja Kombucha! I always end my day with a nice cold fizzy, Suja Booch. I can’t pick a favorite but I’m a big fan of anything ginger.
I hope you all LOVED this interview with Gianna Fae as much as I did! Check out her new website & instagram! Thanks for reading!
xo Erica
What an inspirational jouRney. I loved Reading this INTERVIEW! Thank You
Rae | Mindful rambles
very interesting. I understand it a bit more now. thanks