Episode 20 features Tori Marinelli , CEO + Creator of Etre Bien. She initially embarked on her own wellness journey when working for a celebrity facialist on Fifth Avenue in NYC and discovered the importance of knowing exactly what is in your beauty and self-care products. Around the same time, in an effort to gain a more complete education on health + wellness, she enrolled at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and became a certified Holistic Health Coach. Soon after, she set out on a mission of combining her love for mindfulness and energy healing modalities with her fascination with natural beauty to create Etre Bien, a modern apothecary specializing in holistic high vibe self-care.
Tori’s mission for Etre Bien is to empower people to embrace self-care rituals and incorporate them into their daily routine to craft a calmer, more mindful life. We chat ALL about this and more in Episode 20.
You can listen to the episode here.
You can learn more about Etre Bien on their website or instagram.
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