Hi friends! Today’s post is a guest post by Alli Owen on Why Your New Year’s Resolutions are Failing. It is quite a timely topic because let’s face it – we are ALL SO MOTIVATED on January 1st and three weeks in…. we get a little….tired, unmotivated, distracted and just downright busy. But Alli is your girl. She is a life coach and I know y’all will just love her advice. Grab a booch and CHECK IT OUT!
Why Your New Year’s Resolutions are Failing By Alli Owen
How many times this year have you seen tips and tricks to help you set and achieve your New Year’s Resolutions?
How many times in your past have you set New Year’s Resolutions and actually achieved them?
Maybe you feel like your New Year’s Resolutions are the same every year? Lose weight, workout more, eat healthier, blah blah blah. Why can’t you actually set and achieve your New Year’s Resolutions?
Well I have one word for you– shame. Ugh, it’s uncomfortable I know. But hear me out.
The S word. Shame. You feel like you aren’t good enough as you are. You feel like you need to be thinner, healthier, “more together” to be worthy of love, acceptance and belonging. They are rooted in your desire to do “what you should be doing.” They are not rooted in the TRUE YOU.
But now maybe your asking, what is the TRUE ME? How can I know if my resolutions are a natural extension of who I truly am or if I am only setting them because I feel like I need to?
Well here are my three tips to set quality “TRUE YOU” resolutions for 2018:
FIRST – Evaluate your why
When you first sit down to write your resolutions, think about WHY you are doing them. Why do you TRULY want to “get healthier?” Is it because you want to fit in with a certain group of friends or be the one in the skinniest jeans? Be radically honest with yourself here and don’t just scratch the surface. Go deep on your truth and sit with whatever answer comes up. It may surprise you.
SECOND – Get clear on your how
So let’s say you determine the real reason why you want to get healthier is because you LOVE your body and you want to treat it with respect and kindness. Yay, go you! So now I want you to get really clear on the strategy behind HOW you are going to achieve this. Layout three action items that are measurable! So if you wanted to get healthier in the New Year you could say:
a. Go to the gym 3x per week
b. Meal prep on Sundays
c. Only eat out once per week
Three – Set up strategy/ accountability to follow through
Now that you’ve evaluated your WHY and your HOW, now it’s time to EXECUTE! So one of my favorite ways to keep me accountable is have a partner dedicated to helping me achieve my goals. A life coach (like me!) is someone who can help you with this, as we would meet bi-weekly and discuss the obstacles that came in the way between you and your goals. You could also find a friend, co-worker, or significant other to keep you on track, although they might not be as committed as a coach to see you through!
If you’re interested in finding more out about life coaching for 2018, click here (www.allio.co/coaching) to learn more and apply for a free 30 minute clarity call with me!
Happy 2018 Resolution Setting!!
Alli is a full time engineer and part time life coach, helping women to stop overachieving and start living. She is a recovering overachiever and LOVES helping women to get focused and succeed in whatever their goal may be. Follow her on instagram here.
Great post, I need to follow these steps
I love this advice, especially about getting real about why we want to achieve our goals. Thanks for the inspo!!
Yaaaay alli! Love this post thank you so much!❤️