- Mornings Matter: Tell yourself as you are going to bed that you are going to wake up in a positive mood. A friend of mine recently advised me to starting waking up with a smile. It was so simple, and yet SO PROFOUND. That being said, I’d say turn your mornings into something you LOVE, wake up every morning excited that it’s a NEW day and that you can go out and set new intentions and conquer new things and just be your best self. Find something you love that lights your soul on fire in the mornings, whether that be waking up an extra 20 minutes early to go for that jog, or make yourself an extra delicious breakfast solely out of self-love because YOU deserve it. Make your mornings matter, and make your mornings shine.
- Have an attitude for gratitude: Find a time in the day to express your gratitude. Whether it is first thing in the morning, on a lunch break in the afternoon, or in your evenings before you go to bed, spend just a few minutes journaling 3 things you are grateful for in your life, or even verbally say it to your roommate or partner. As you make this a habit, notice how your answers become more in depth. The more gratitude you you express, the happier you are.
- Self-love is the best love: If you asked me what my biggest value is, hands down I’d say self-love. Selfish? I think not. In fact, we, especially as women NEED to fill “our own cup” before we can help others. If we don’t love ourselves from a genuine viewpoint, we won’t ever be able to 100% selflessly, genuinely love others from a space of purely true love. And when we do love ourselves, the love we feel for others and want to share with others will be so vast and so great. I truly believe that self-love is the foundation of all love.
- PURPOSEFUL PLAY!: We often associate playing as “childish,” as if there’s a need to separate work and play? And well, if you ask me, I honestly think that’s completely out of whack. In fact, call me a giant child, but I actually feel that playing actually FUELS our purpose & our work. Playing recharges our body’s energy and mind, thereby allowing us to effortlessly revisit our inner childlike tendencies. And in doing so, we are able to create even more in the workplace. You see where I’m getting at here? It’s this beautiful cycle that syncs work and play into pure compatibility. We cannot live without work, and we cannot live without play. So go unapologetically take yourself out to play, I promise there’s a purpose behind playing.
- Learn to Listen to Your Own Loving Body: In today’s day & age with information flying at us left and right, about what’s the next best fad, or “what foods to eat, and not eat.” Honestly… we are all UNIQUE AND INDIVIDUAL BEINGS. Learn to take a step back after a meal for example, and just listen to what your body is telling you. Do you feel good after? Or do you not? And let yourself be your own guinea pig & experiment yourself with what works for YOU. Just because your best friend may be paleo, or may be on a keto diet, or maybe a vegan, does not necessarily mean that is the same lifestyle that will make you feel your absolute best. Nobody knows yourself better than you, & so learn to listen, your body will love you to new highs for this.
I really loved Stephanie’s tips as they as easy ways to shift your mindset into happiness. And as I previously mentioned Stephanie is a holistic health coach and I would be doing you all a disservice if I didn’t mention what Healthstyle Emporium entails. The Healthstyle Emporium is a 16 week online holistic health program specifically tailored to meet women wherever they may be on their own individual health and wellness journey. The purpose of the Healthstyle Emporium is to bring together women and support them to realize that they have it within them to pursue their wildest health goals.
The Healthstyle Emporium is different from competitors in that they are a group of women who really believe in the value of making sustainable lifestyle changes. They don’t focus on creating a “booty or bikini challenge” or a “quick summer is coming” fad program that will eventually lead you to fall back to old ways once you reach your goals. Instead, they focus on a holistic and realistic approach to all of our programs.
Stephanie explains, “Another thing I feel that really differentiates us is that we truly believe in empowering one another, and not competing with one another. We believe that there’s an abundance of health, wealth, and love meant to be shared with all.”
Want to learn more, feel free to email Stephanie at stephanieberk@yahoo.com OR check out Healthstyle Emporium here and Stephanie Berk’s instagram.
Gratitude is do important. Love All of thE tIps!